Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar was an ambitious man, there for he got voted to become a strong leader for the senators. In 60 BC Julius went back to the office of consul. Before he went back to the office of consul he was in Spain. He was the governor, for a year. During that time there were 2 consuls, Crassus and Pompey. They were the leaders of the war against slaves. Julius Cesar did not want to deal with the war, he went ahead and spoke to the Roman Senate, Crassus and Pompey to name him as the third consul. They were called, First Triumvirate. Caesar was know as the popular man in Rome because he led an army of the north Italian peninsula capture European warriors. In 49 BC the Senate wanted for Julius Caesar back in Rome and to leave his army. He ignored the Senate because he thought the Senate would destroy him. The Senate had warned Caesar not to bring his army across the Rubicon River. He did the opposite, he knew he was going to get himself in trouble. He defeated Pompey's army. In 46BC Rome elected Julius as the dictator for of Rome. They admire him for being brave. He made a lot of decisions on his own. At the end the senators got upset and sixty senators stab Caesar to death.

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