Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A New Version of Orpheus

Brian was in love with the sport baseball. When he got bigger he was the best baseball player in the world. Every time he would hit a home run the crowd will go crazy. It was the beginning of baseball season and they haven't played for two months. The people started screaming like crazy. As Brian was up to bat the crowd got on their feet. There was one time when Brian hit a home run and hit a beautiful girl, he went to go see how she was doing and at first site he felt in love. He told her every time i hit a home run I make every one go crazy. After they got married and were together at all the baseball games. The next baseball game a guy try to get with her then she was running from him and she didn't see the ball coming at her and the ball hit her in the head then a few minutes after the game she died. Brian was worried because she did not respond to him. He cried and took his wife and carry her out of the baseball field. He took her to her to closest hospital and said he would never play baseball again! He told his baseball manager, he will bring her back to life when he hits 200 home runs. He practiced every day so he can make hit 200 home runs with out any problems. Practicing was not helping him at all. All the fans he had gave up on him.

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar was an ambitious man, there for he got voted to become a strong leader for the senators. In 60 BC Julius went back to the office of consul. Before he went back to the office of consul he was in Spain. He was the governor, for a year. During that time there were 2 consuls, Crassus and Pompey. They were the leaders of the war against slaves. Julius Cesar did not want to deal with the war, he went ahead and spoke to the Roman Senate, Crassus and Pompey to name him as the third consul. They were called, First Triumvirate. Caesar was know as the popular man in Rome because he led an army of the north Italian peninsula capture European warriors. In 49 BC the Senate wanted for Julius Caesar back in Rome and to leave his army. He ignored the Senate because he thought the Senate would destroy him. The Senate had warned Caesar not to bring his army across the Rubicon River. He did the opposite, he knew he was going to get himself in trouble. He defeated Pompey's army. In 46BC Rome elected Julius as the dictator for of Rome. They admire him for being brave. He made a lot of decisions on his own. At the end the senators got upset and sixty senators stab Caesar to death.

Monday, August 30, 2010

My favorite Greek thinker

I think homer is a great Greek thinker. I think he's a great Greek thinker because he mad the story of the Odyssey and the Iliad, people think he was a blind poet. Another of the story that he wrote was about an adventure of Odysseus a Greek hero.

Monday, August 23, 2010


i think i think Hector did the right thing by killing Achilles. i think he accepted his challenge because Achilles always thinks he will win when ever he fights. i would have done the same thing as Hector because i would have gotten tired of Achilles.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Myth of Osiris

Before land existed on earth, the only thing that existed back then, was Nun. According to an ancient Egyptian myth, Nun was the water of chaos. Out of no where Ben-Ben rose up, on a hill out of the waters. Atum, the first god, stood on the hill of Ben-Ben. Atum created Tefnut; the goddess if moisture, and Shu, the god of air. Tefnut and Shu had two children. The oldest was Geb, the god of earth. The youngest one was Nut, the goddess of the sky. Later on in life, Nut and Geb had four children, Osiris; king of Earth, Isis; the queen, Seth and Nephthys. It is believed that Osiris was a good king and he ruled over the earth for many years. Osiris and Isis had a son, they named him Horus. Osisris' brother, Seth was jealous of Osiris. Seth wanted to rule over the earth as well. One day Seth decided to kill his own brother Osiris. Seth became King and Osiris went down into the underworld. Horus fought a battle against Seth. Horus won the battle and he regained his father's throne. After the battle Horus became the king of the Earth and his father Osiris became the king of the underworld.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Gilgamesh Project

4,000 years ago a powerful king by the name of Gilgamesh ruled the city of Uruk. Uruk was a quiet city located in Mesopotamian. Gilgamesh knew a man by the name of Enkidu. Enkidu and Gilgamesh have a conflict which leads to a challenge of strength at the end they both become friends. They go to the forest so they could bring back some wood from the cedar forests. Enkidu becomes ill and dies. Gilgamesh wants to become immortal and he meets an old man, who tells him if he wants to be immortal he can not fall asleep for 6 days and 7 nights. Gilgamesh fails and falls asleep. The old man tells him he has to get a plant which it will make him younger. At the end a snake eats the plant. He goes back home and prays to the Gods and is thankful for what he has gone through and survived.

I believe the message of Gilgamesh story is that he did not get what he wanted. He wanted to become immortal, after his friend died. He met an ancient being, the only man who gained immortality. He goes through a long journey, to try to become immortal. One of the journeys leads him to the ancient one. The ancient man tells him that in exchange to eternal life he must not sleep for 6 days and 7 nights. They finish talking and Gilgamesh falls asleep for days. He wakes up and realizes that he failed. The ancient man gave him 1 more chance because Gilgamesh asked him to give him 1 more chance. He travels to a land to look for a plant, which he finds and losses it because he felt asleep again.

I believe Gilgamesh is not a hero. To me he is not a hero because he did not helped no one. He did not save any lives. He was a selfish man who wanted to become immortal. He did not help his people. He and his friend were bored and that lead to his journey to try to become immortal. He did not win the journey because he lost the 2 chances that the ancient man gave him.